Upon the first invocation, if no database exists at the default location, a new database is created with a single active sheet named main.
You can install track-time-cli from the NPM registry:
npm i -g track-time-cli
tt --help
It will then be available as the tt
View the output of tt --help
tt --help
track-time-cli now
Display all active time sheet entries
track-time-cli in [description..] Check in to a time sheet [aliases: i]
track-time-cli now Display all active time sheet entries
track-time-cli out Check out of the active time sheet entry
[aliases: o]
track-time-cli week [sheets..] Display a summary of activity for the
past week [aliases: w]
track-time-cli list [sheets..] List all time sheet entries [aliases: l]
track-time-cli edit [description..] View, edit, or delete a time sheet entry
[aliases: e]
track-time-cli today [sheets..] Display a summary of activity for today
[aliases: t]
track-time-cli sheet [name] Switch to or delete a sheet by name
[aliases: s]
track-time-cli sheets List all sheets [aliases: ss]
track-time-cli resume Start a new entry with the same
description as the previous one
[aliases: r]
track-time-cli yesterday [sheets..] Display a summary of activity for
yesterday [aliases: y]
track-time-cli breakdown [sheets..] Display total durations per day for one
or more sheets [aliases: b]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --humanize Print the total duration in human-readable format [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
tt in --at "20 minutes ago" fixing a bug Check in at a custom time
tt out --at "5 minutes ago" Check out at a custom time
tt list --today --all View all entries from today
tt b Show a breakdown of your activity
tt today --all View activity for the current day