By default, the database is located at ~/.track-time-cli/db.json
track-time-cli stores all activity in your home folder within a single
JSON file named db.json
. This file holds all your time sheets and
entries. Most commands will only append to it, so expect it to grow linearly
over time.
Since it is a plain JSON file, it can be inspected with programs like jq, or edited with any text editor.
Not all commands will modify the database; commands like tt list
tt today
and tt week
will only read from it, whereas other commands
like tt in
and tt out
will modify it upon command execution.
To pretty-print its contents, you may run
cat ~/.track-time-cli/db.json | jq .
As the internal schemas of the time sheet and time sheet entry models are reproduced when first mentioned, the schema of the database itself can be found below:
export interface ITimeTrackerDB<T> {
sheets: ITimeSheet<T>[]
activeSheetName: string | null
version: number
A sheet named main is present by default in new databases.
If no database exists, upon the first invocation of track-time-cli
regardless of which command is used, a new empty database will be created
with a single default time sheet named main.
The contents of this fresh database are the following:
"version": 2,
"activeSheetName": "main",
"sheets": [
"entries": [],
"name": "main",
"activeEntryID": null
Sometimes when an update is released, the database schema may change,
increasing the version number in the db.json
file. When this happens,
will automatically migrate the contents of the database to
the new schema when any command is invoked, prior to command execution.
A backup prior to each migration is created at as
, where the numeric suffix is the old
database version number.
Since the database is a single file, you can back it up by creating a git
repository within the ~/.track-time-cli
A private GitHub repository is a good place to put this.
To start backing up your data, you can do something like the following:
cd ~/.track-time-cli
git init .
git remote add origin
git add db.json
git commit -m 'chore: update'
git push origin main
Afterwards, to update your backup, just commit the latest changes and push:
git add db.json
git commit -m 'chore: update'
git push origin main