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Out Command

View the output of tt out --help

track-time-cli out

Check out of the active time sheet entry

--version Show version number [boolean]
--at Check in at a specific time [string]
--help Show help [boolean]

The out command checks out of the active time sheet by ending the current entry. If no entry is active, an error message is displayed instead.


The out command has an alias: o


Natural language input with --at


Natural language input is supported by the --at argument.

For example, all of the following are valid:

  • --at '3 days ago'
  • --at 'five months ago'
  • --at '1 hour and 32 minutes ago'
  • --at 'fourty eight hours ago'

The time-speak library is used to parse the input.

--atstringSets the start time of the created entry; supports natural-language input.

Checking Out Retroactively

Using the --at argument, it is possible to out of a time sheet after you have ended working. For example, if you have stopped working on your active entry's task 15 minutes ago and forgot to check out, you can run tt out --at '15 minutes ago' to check out at the correct time, keeping your historical activity accurate.


You can find a few examples of using the out command below.

Checking Out With No Entry Active

If no entry is active, an error is shown and the database is not modified: Output of tt out when no entry is active

Checking Out

Otherwise, the entry is ended by setting the end field to the present moment, and the activeEntryID field is cleared in the database. The final duration is shown in the output: Output of tt out when no entry is active

Custom End Time

You can also specify the end time via the --at argument. As noted above, it supports natural language input. For example, this is the output of tt after running tt out --at '15 minutes ago': Output of tt out --at '15 minutes ago'