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Sheets Command

View the output of tt sheets --help

track-time-cli sheets

List all sheets

--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --humanize Print the total duration in human-readable format [boolean]
-s, --since Only list entries since the specified date [string]
-t, --today Show results for today [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]

Use the sheets command to list all sheets, along their total entry count and duration.

You can control the entries that will be included in the results (total duration, etc) by filtering with a minimum start date. Pass a natural-language date string or unix timestamp to --since to filter out results prior to your specified date.

For convenience, --today is provided as a shortcut to show results for the current day.

In general, if you are unsure about the name of a sheet and need to reference it in another command, quickly running tt ss will reveal the sheet name.tip

Since the last 5 active sheets are shown separately, you can quickly identify recently used sheets. :::

The output list is sorted alphabetically, and the 5 most recently active sheets are listed in order separately. :::


A few examples are provided below, illustrating common use cases.

View All Sheets & Lifetime Stats

By default, calling tt ss will render a list of all sheets and their total entry counts & durations from the beginning of time (including all entries): Output of tt ss

View Historical Sheet Activity

Passing --today will only consider sheet entries overlapping with the present day. The more powerful --since option supports natural language, unix timestamps, and iso timestamps as inputs.

For example, to view a list of specific sheets and their activity over the last 2 weeks, run: Output of tt ss --since "2 weeks ago"

Switch to An Existing Sheet


To begin with, it is worth mentioning that you may often want to see a list of all sheets before switching to one, in case you can't remember the exact name.

Run tt ss to see a list of all sheets, with the 5 most recently active sheets listed separately.

Knowing a sheet name, it can be set as active by passing the name as the single positional argument to the sheet command. If it is already active, an error is returned: Output of tt s programming-project-a