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Week Command

View the output of track-time-cli week --help

track-time-cli week [sheets..]

Display a summary of activity for the past week

--version Show version number [boolean]
-t, --total Display total duration for the week for all sheets
-r, --ago, --relative Print dates as relative time (e.g. 5 minutes ago)
-h, --humanize Print the total duration in human-readable format
--help Show help [boolean]
--sheets Show results for the specified sheets [array]


The week command generates a summary of your activity over the past week, broken down by sheet and day of the week. Totals for each day are shown.

If the --total option is used, the summary will merge all sheet entries and report the total duration and entry count per day of the week.

Use this command to review your work week and identify the days of the week in which you are most productive. When using --total, you can identify particularly busy days.


The week command has an alias: w


Render start and end dates as relative to the present moment with --relative


The -r (or --relative) argument enables the rendering of dates as relative to the present moment. For example, the output for an entry's start date may be 2 weeks ago when using this flag.

Render durations into a human-readable word form with --humanize


The -h (or --humanize) argument switches the rendering of durations from a simple digit display to a human-readable word form.

--total-tbooleanDisplay total duration for the week for all sheets.
--relativeago, -rbooleanPrint dates as relative time (e.g. "5 minutes ago").
--humanize-hbooleanPrint durations in human-readable format.
--sheetsarrayShow results for the specified sheets. Also a positional argument.


Examples are provided below to illustrate the arguments and how they affect the final output.

View A Summary Including All Sheets

To display a summary of your activity for the past week across all sheets, run tt w: Output of tt w

Include Specific Sheets

If you want to see the summary for specific sheets, provide a list of sheet names as the positional argument.

View A Combined Total Per Weekday

To see a cumulative total of activity per week day for all selected entries, pass the -t (or --total) argument. The output will resemble this: Output of tt w main

View Durations As Human-Readable Words

Render durations in a human-readable format with the -h (or --humanize) argument: Output of tt w main

Display Relative Dates

Similarly, use -r (or --relative) to render dates as relative to the present moment: Output of tt w main